Storia romana
27 Gennaio 2019La metamorfosi
27 Gennaio 2019It assists in the dissemination of culture during this period , with the construction of schools , open to all , whether or not organized by the state, in which they studied not only theoretical subjects such as rhetoric , rhetoric ( Quintilian ) and grammar, but also technical and practices, such as architecture ( Vitruvius ) , construction of pipes for aqueducts ( Frontinus ) , and agriculture ( Columella ) .
Great men of culture in this period were the Spaniard Seneca, Tacitus, the rooster , the African Apuleius .
In this period was less emphasis on the theater , which was less appreciated by the audience .
The only Seneca wrote tragedies , but so were read, and not represented .
Were organized in public readings of the classics, or oratorical declamation of fictitious , in which the ability to persuade was an end in itself , since it was no longer needed to convince the senators to make decisions, as in the time of Cicero, because now the decisions took them only one, which was the maximum advised by some freedman or knight, and certainly not by lawyers or senators.
The historians of this period were the most important senators, as Tacitus , Suetonius and Cassius Dio , who tended to be very critical of the emperors , of course, except that which was in office at the time when they wrote .
Even the prosecutor in Egypt Appiano wrote a History of Rome , while Arrian wrote a life of Alexander the Great.
Among the most interesting writers of this period there were Lucian of Samosata , who wrote in greek Diloghi , Persius and Juvenal, Satires who wrote in Latin , Martial, who wrote epigrams in Latin, and especially Apuleius , who wrote the ‘ Golden Ass , also called ” Metamorphosis, in which he tells of the transformation of Lucio Donkey . Lucio returns only when the human eats the petals of a rose wet with dew , and approaches to the rites of Isis.