27 Gennaio 2019poter salvare una vita…
27 Gennaio 2019BIBLIOGRAFY:
History: | |
-Paola , Brentazzoli , Verde, A History of English Literature-from the origins to the age of Enlightenment, Nuova Edizione del Giglio, Genova, april 1993.
-Internet -Mingazzini,Salmoiraghi, The New Mirror of the Times,vol.1,Principato, Milano,1998 -William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, CIDEB, Spotlight on Shakespeare, Genova, March 1998. |
Society: | |
-William Shakespeare, Hamlet,Prince of Denmark, CIDEB, Spotlight on Shakespeare, Genova, March 1998. |
Culture: | |
-William Shakespeare, Hamlet,Prince of Denmark. CIDEB Spotlight on Shakespeare, Genova, March 1998.
-Cesare Molinari; Storia Universale del Teatro. Arnoldo Mondadori, Milano 1983. -Mingazzini, Salmoiraghi, The New Mirror of the Times.Principato,Milano 1998. -Enciclopedia Treccani. -Oscar G.Brockett, Storia del Teatro, Saggi. Ed.Marsilio,1987. -Roberto Tessari, La Drammaturgia da Eschilo a Goldoni. Biblioteca Universale; Ed.Laterza,1983. -Enciclopedia La Prima. -Internet. -“Act I Notes.” (May 6, 1997) -Bloom, Harold. Introduction. Maior Literary Characters: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea, 1990. ix-xiv. -Bradley, A. C. “Hamlet.” Maior Literary Characters: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea. 1990, 57-79. -Branagh, Kenneth, director, actor. Hamlet. With Derek Jacobi. Castle Rock, 1996. -Courtney, Richard. “Finding Practical Meaning.” www. hamlet. edmonton. ad. ca/wofdeath. htm (May 13, 1997) -Gibson, Mel, actor. Hamlet. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. With Glenn Close. Warner Brothers, 1990. -Goddard, Harold. “Hamlet: His Own Falstaff.” Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea, 1985. 11-28. -lain Glen, actor. Rosenerantz and Guildenstern are Dead. Dir. Tom Stoppard. With Tim Roth, Gary Oldman. Cinecom, 1990. -“Interview With Kenneth Branagh.” (May 6, 1 997) -Jacobi, l3erek, actor. Hamlet. Dir. Rodney Bennet. With Patrick Stewart. BBC, 1980. -Lanham, Richard A. “Superposed Plays.” Modern Gritical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea, 1985. 87-98. -Scofield, Martin. The Ghosts of Hamlet. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1980. þ Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Baltimore: Penguin, 195?. -Stoppard, Tom. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead . New York: Grove, 1962. |
The Characters: | |
-William Shakespeare, Hamlet,Prince of Denmark, CIDEB Spotlight on Shakespeare,Genova,March 1998.
-Internet. -York Notes. |
Themes: | |
-William Shakespeare, Hamlet,Prince of Denmark, CIDEB Spotlight on Shakespeare,Genova,March 1998.
-York Notes. -Carlo Sini, I Filosofi e le Opere (1-L’età antica e il medioevo).Principato,Milano,March 1979. |