27 Gennaio 2019Accenni d’ autunno
27 Gennaio 2019Test about a comparison between Melville’s ” Moby Dick” & Coleridge’s ” the Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
compito di inglese
1- Outline the setting of the two works
2- Describe the plot of both the works
3- Ahab and the Mariner: describe how they have been able to influence the crew
4- Ahab and the Mariner: explain in which way their actions differ (the killing of the Albatross and the chase of Moby Dick)
5- Apparently Ahab has got a justification for his hunt, describe what it is and say whether the Mariner has any sort of justification
6- Starbuck and the Mariner survive the disaster: explain why
7- Describe what Moby Dick represents for Ahab and the albatross for the Mariner
8- In Moby Dick there is an evident influence of the English romantic poets, say what can be considered “romantic”