Ho passato il concorso da preside. Vi racconto la mia estate da incubo – di …
28 Agosto 2012
Concorso Dirigenti Lombardia: rigettato l’appello cautelare
29 Agosto 2012AS and LIKE
– preposition (when is following by a noun)
example : like a house (come una casa)
– pronoun
example : like it (come esso)
– gerund
example : like swimming (nuotando)
– to create a sort of comparison (the comparison is not real)
example : my house is like your house
– preposition (tell what job/function a person/thing has)
example : as a chief, I have to cook all the day (come cuoco, devo cucinare tutto il giorno)
: I used the tin as a cup to drink out of (ho usato un barattolo come tazza per bere)
– some verbs are followed by AS + OBJECT
example : he is known as a generous person (è conosciuto come una persona generosa)
– SUCH AS = per esempio
Example : I enjoy films, such as thriller (mi piacciono I film, per esempio I thriller)
– Conjunction (followed by subject and verb)
Example : she cut up the vegetables as I had taught her (taglia le verdure come le ho insegnato)
– Comparison (the comparison is real)
Example : as palace, Windsor is very impressive (come palazzo, Windsor è davvero solenne)