27 Gennaio 2019
poter salvare una vita…
27 Gennaio 2019 Anno scolastico 1998/1999
O. Accogli – C. Marino | |
Medieval Theatre | |
The Players | |
The Gravediggers | |
A. Brusatori – F. Trezzi | |
Hamlet in Cinema | |
Polonius | |
Hamlet’s Madness | |
D. Noli – A. Garavaglia | |
Sheakespeare Life and Plays | |
Claudius | |
Stoicism | |
G. Amisano – G. Minardi | |
Elizabethan Theatre | |
Summary | |
E. Balzarotti – L. Baggini | |
Cultural Background | |
Hamlet’s Melancholy and Death | |
A. Magistrelli – D. Magistroni – F. Tunesi | |
European Theatre | |
Laertes – Horatio | |
Fate and Tragedy | |
A. Grittini – D. Airaghi | |
Commedy and Tragedy | |
Ophelia | |
Hamlet’s Misoginy and Oedipus complex | |
D. Pirovano – M. Galli – L. Rinaldi | |
Historical Background | |
Ghost | |
D. Raimondi – R. Cibelli | |
Social Background | |
Gertude | |
Revenge |