30 Dicembre 2012
HITLER – II guerra mondiale
30 Dicembre 2012Ricerca di storia dell’ottocento in lingua inglese sulla Guerra civile americana, detta Guerra di secessione perché combattuta dopo la scissione di alcuni stati del sud dall’Unione, avvenuta dopo la nomina a presidente degli stati Uniti di Abramo Lincoln
GUERRA DI SECESSIONE e Abraham Lincoln di Miriam Gaudio
Main Events
· February,12 1809 He was born in a farm in Nolin Creek, Kentucky
· November, 6 1860 Lincoln is elected sixteenth President of the United States of America, the first Republican to reach this charge
· September, 22 1862 He writes the Proclamation of Emancipation
· November, 19 1863 He delivers the Gettysburg Address
· 1865 Ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution
· April, 15 1865 He is killed by conspirators in a theatre
Speech Contest
The Gettysburg Address is a very brief speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln on the 19th of November 1863 at the opening ceremony of the military cemetery at Gettysburg (Gettysburg National Cemetery today), only 4 months after the Battle of Gettysburg. Since it is a commemorative speech, it is called eulogy. The thought of Lincoln is devoted to the effort of the nation into civil war, but with the ideal that no soldier at Gettysburg, Unionist or the Confederate, of North or of South, had died in vain. It is a milestone, an address exactly, in the construction of the future American nation.
Lincoln showed a magnetic charisma to the population of the Union during the war, as evidenced by this speech. While the majority of those who gave speeches that day (such as Edward Everett) spoke at length of the event, some even for hours, the few words chosen by Lincoln echoed across the nation and history, defeating the prediction made by Lincoln himself “The world will note does not, and will not be remembered for a long time what we say here.” While there are few documents relating to other speeches of the day, that of Lincoln is believed to be one of the largest in history.
In general, the speech is very cohesive and very little emotive language is used. It has a very precise structure in the sense that it opens with an indirect question and closes answering it.