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24 Novembre 2024
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25 Novembre 2024
Plotinus, a 3rd-century Alexandrian philosopher, is considered the founder of Neoplatonism.
This philosophical school, which draws from and reinterprets Plato’s doctrines, aims to provide a unified and harmonious vision of reality, centered on the pursuit of the One, the original and perfect principle of all existence.
The One: The Supreme Principle
The One is the cornerstone of Plotinus’ Neoplatonism. It is:
- Unknowable: The One transcends all categories and definitions, existing beyond being and thought.
- Absolute Good: The One is the source of all that is good and perfect.
- Cause of Everything: Everything that exists emanates from the One.
The Hypostases
To explain the process of emanation from the One, Plotinus introduces the concept of hypostases—three fundamental principles:
- The One: The original and unknowable principle.
- The Intellect: The first emanation from the One, representing the world of perfect and immutable ideas.
- The Soul: The second emanation, a vital principle that animates the sensory world and links the One to the material realm.
The Sensible World
The sensible world is the reality perceived through the senses. It is the most distant emanation from the One and, therefore, the most imperfect. Characterized by multiplicity, change, and imperfection, it contrasts sharply with the unified nature of the One.
Returning to the One
The ultimate goal of Neoplatonic philosophy is the soul’s return to the One. Trapped in the sensory world, the soul must purify itself and rise above passions to ascend the hierarchy of being and reunite with the One. Philosophy, contemplation of beauty, and virtue are tools that facilitate this journey.
The Role of Plotinus’ Enneads
The Enneads, compiled by Plotinus’ disciple Porphyry into six groups of nine treatises, are the cornerstone of Neoplatonic thought:
- Structure and Content: Addressing themes ranging from metaphysics to cosmology, psychology, and ethics, the Enneads guide readers toward a deeper understanding of the One.
- Influence: The Enneads have profoundly impacted Western thought, inspiring philosophers, theologians, artists, and mystics, and have been widely translated and commented on.
Comparing Neoplatonism and Plotinism
While Plotinus is the central figure of Neoplatonism, distinctions can be made:
- Plotinus: His philosophy emphasizes a mystical and intense quest for the One, focusing on direct, intuitive experiences of transcendent reality.
- Neoplatonism: This broader movement includes later interpretations and developments of Plotinus’ ideas, giving rise to various currents and schools of thought.
The Influence of Neoplatonism
Neoplatonism has deeply influenced Western thought, leaving legacies in:
- Christianity: Many Neoplatonic concepts were adopted and reinterpreted by Church Fathers, shaping Christian theology.
- The Middle Ages: Neoplatonism influenced medieval philosophy, particularly Augustinian thought.
- The Renaissance: Renaissance artists and philosophers found inspiration in its emphasis on beauty and harmony.
- Modern Philosophy: Thinkers like Spinoza and Hegel reveal Neoplatonic traces.
Materiale generale e appunti su atuttascuola
- Plotino e il Neoplatonismo: un viaggio verso l’Uno
Plotino e il neoplatonismo di Miriam Gaudio
Scuole neoplatoniche in formato pdf di Sandro Borzoni
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Il neoplatonismo mappa concettuale in formato pdf di telecultura
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Ascolta “Filosofia” su Spreaker.