Il tema della pazzia in letteratura italiana
27 Gennaio 2019
27 Gennaio 2019di Procino Sabrina 5^F
The novel is an allegory and a satire about communism, and the references to the October Revolution and Lenin/Stalin dictatorship are quite clear.
In this passage is easy to catch the message of revolution. It begin with the assembly where the Old Majors speech explain the condition of all animals.
His speech made all animals reflect on their condition of slavery and exploitation operated by man on the animal themselves.
The man, infact, is the only animal who doesn’t produce anythig: “he does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, ” He consumes all products of animals works without producing something and he also does it without a right repay for animalss sufferings.
Man is considerated the author of all bad tinghs like the estrangement whith Clover and her four foals; in an other bit the man doff the milk that can to feed the calves, he makes the animalss life unhappy, he takes the animals to the death, that is determinated of a life full of fatigue and defeat.
In the last bit of this passage the message of revolution is very clear, especially from the sentence is it not crystal clear” to the end, when Old Major gingers his friends to Revolution, to a cooperation to destroy the humans.
Orwell uses a lot of metaphors. For example, Old Major is the old pig whose speech to the animals about Rebellion, he dies before it actually begins. He may represent Karl Marx, whose ideas set the Communist Revolution in motion. Napoleon is another pig whose will become the farms dictator. Instead of debating with Snowball, he sets his dogs on him and continues to increase his personal power and privileges from that time on. His name reminds us Napoleon Bonaparte who took over the French Revolution and turned it into a personal Empire. He represents Stalin; Snowball is an energetic, brilliant leader. Hes the one who successfully organizes the defense of the Farm. Hes an eloquent speaker with original ideas (the windmill). He could represent Trotzky, who was sent out on exile after the Revolution; the dogs represent the means used by a totalitarian state to terrorize its own people; Clover, the mare, is a protective figure. She survives to experience all the sadness of the failed Revolution. Mollie, the frivolous, luxury-loving mare, contrasts with Clover. She goes away from Animal Farm to have sugar and ribbons at a human inn.
The farmhouse represents place where greed and lust dominate. Unlike the barn, which is the fortress of the common man, the genuine concept of socialism, the farmhouse, where Napoleon and the pigs take poxer, symbolizes the Kremlin. Mr.Jones is the original owner of the farm. He is probably based on Zar Nicholas II. Orwells language is quite plain and simple, easy to understand: the novel may be read by a child as well. Perhaps the message is not easy to understand because of the many metaphors. He wont obviously get the meaning beyond the story. Orwell take differents point of view, he is a sort of omniscent narrator, he knows all things about all characters, like their personality, their real intentions, their vices and their values, and so on. He can write in so easy way thanks all this elements.
Sabrina Procino