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27 Gennaio 2019
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27 Gennaio 2019The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Esposizione orale in inglese su Oscar Wilde dalla tesina Il diavolo di Laura Bosoni in vista dell’esame di stato 2002
Vedi anche: La Divina Commedia, Inferno, Canto 34, vv. 1-69
E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle. Come termina l’Inferno di Dante, XXXIV, 70-139
A.S. 2001-2002
The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
This story is profoundly allegorical: It’s a 19th-century version of the myth of Faust, the story of a man who sells his soul to the devil so that all his desires may be satisfied.
One of the most important source of inspiration was ” The temptation of Saint Antony” by Flaubert
This soul becomes the picture, that records the signs of experience, the corruption the horror and the sins concealed under the mask of Dorian’s beauty and youth.
The picture isn’t autonomous:it stands for the dark, evil side of Dorian’s personality. His double,which he tries to forget by locking the picture in a room.
The moral is that every excess must be punished and reality cannot be escaped; when Dorian destroys the picture,he cannot avoid the punishment for all his sins, that is death.
torna all’indice della tesina Il diavolo di Laura Bosoni
VIDEO “L’arrivo del dipinto” da Il ritratto di Dorian Gray di Oscar Wilde 1G videolezione scolastica di Luigi Gaudio su youtube